Monday, November 1, 2010

On Minecraft

I KNOW I have homework that needs finished by midnight.
I SEE the pile of laundry, begging to be washed.
I REALIZE that I have a host of things waiting to be knitted by Christmas.

But I can't help it.

I love my games.

I've been working at my Pokemon team, getting them all leveled up for Anime Nebraskon, but at it's prime, Pokemon is a lot of glorified grinding.  So today, I'm playing Minecraft.

For those of you who haven't gotten out from under your rocks lately, Minecraft is a devious little time sink developed by Notch.  Yes, it's still in the Alpha testing stages, YES, the graphics are terrible, and YES, it costs €10.  The gameplay is all a sandboxer could ask for, and we know they'll put in pretty graphics when the time comes.  Even without them, you can still build some pretty AWESOME stuff (Miners: You've probably seen these already.)

In the spirit of the new Halloween Update, I created a new world, which totally blew the pants off of the Land of Mediocrity (ex Main World).  One dune over from my spawn point, I discovered what is now my home base.

(Please ignore the sand-harvest trench)
Snazzy, eh?  Earrings said it looked like a skull.  You see it?  I'll help you out a little.

Okay, well not the WHOLE thing looks like a skull

It could use a better name than "Mount Skull" but "Mount Doom" is all I can come up with, and it's already taken.  Stinking Tolkien stealing all my ideas....
The eye sockets glow at night:

Mm-mmm, glowy
It's purty :3

From the inside:

Pictured: View through left eye socket

You might be wondering what the giant green tower is.  I figure every base I make needs a ceiling to floor tower marking it's relative location in case I get lost.  But dirt and sand are boring, so I made this one out of CACTUS.

God forbid some poor, ambitious hawk try and perch up there
It's tall.

You might be wondering, "Why, Cactus(blogger)!  What is that speck of light on the cactus(plant) up there?"  To which I will respond, "Why, Lurker!  What fabulous eyesight you have!"
For those of you with inferior eyesight, I took a picture of it at night.

Enlarged for your viewing pleasure: Speck of Light

It's lit with torches at the top for better visibility... I suppose.
So much to explore, so little time *dons hardhat* off to find some diamond.

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