Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bicycles (and Nebraskon)

Before I get continue with my actual post for today, I have to say Anime Nebraskon was phenomenal once again.  Alien and I spent the whole weekend doing the Gym Leader Challenge up in the game room.  We were two of the six people to beat all eight leaders and get a shot at the Elite Four on Sunday.  None of the six could beat them, but Alien was the closest, so he won a big Dialga figurine.  It's pretty =)

Preeeeety =)

And now onto our discussion topic of the day.

Most college students enjoy sleeping, and do so until the last few minutes before class in the morning.  I am no exception to this rule, though I do have a way of coping with this extended-sleep-no-time-to-wake-up preference.

I have a bike.

Like this, only faded, rusty, and one working break

Something strange seems to occur whenever I don my helmet.  The Pedestrian Cactus is gone, and replaced with the Cyclist Demon.  The Cyclist Demon has but one goal in life: to reach point B.  She will stop at nothing to achieve this goal.  She does not idly pedal her way through the world, taking in sights and sounds.  She is a thing possessed (or a thing possessing, your call) with the need to be there, and to be there yesterday.

The Demon is very elitist, looking down upon of all the bipeds around her.  Watch as one walks down the middle of the sidewalk, as if they own the world!  Here come two walking this direction, refusing to shuffle to one side.  Do they not see the Demon?  They would not hesitate to move out of the way of a car going as quickly as she, and yet here they walk, dumbfounded, until the Demon, tires squealing, scares one onto the grass.  She is disturbed by the delay in her goal, but wastes not another thought on the two.

The Cyclist Demon and I have come to something of an agreement.  In the case we actually DO run into someone (an elderly gentleman, a wandering student, and an oblivious high school campus tourist have thus far been victims) I get to take over.  The interaction goes something like this:

Demon: (to self) LOOK at the imbeciles, the way they strut down the LEFT side of my sidewalk.  There is order to be had here!  They must conform to societies rules of transport!  Yes, bicycle, intimidate them with the Squealing Break.  Ah, see now how they jump aside!  Fool freshman, never seen a cyclist before, they know not to listen to the click of the chain.  Ah yes, the joy of an empty sidewalk. Now we're picking up speed.  Cactus shall be pleased to make it to the dining hall before these pathetic pedestrians in our wake...
Cactus: Demon?  There's an old man up ahead.
Demon: You DARE question MY observational skills!  Of course I've seen the man ahead.   I had sensed him from a mile away, back in the classroom even-
Cactus: He's getting closer Demon.  I think we should slow down-
Demon: NEVER!  We are on the downhill slope, this inertia shan't be wasted on such a pathetic mortal as he!
*collision with the old man*
Old Man: *hrumph* (walks away)
Cactus: You see Demon!  You just slowed us down in the end anyway!
Demon: But he was so slow... so INFERIOR-
Cactus:  He was a PERSON Demon.  Slow down next time.  You're going to get us hurt


Also, I don't ever have road rage.  Just bike rage.

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