Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Suffer from migraines? Short Attention span? Bad weather? Then KEEP READING!

It's days like this that make me wonder if i might have some mild form of attention deficit disorder.

It all started when I walked outside this morning had a migraine last night (we'll get to the morning later).  Having a migraine (for me at least) is like receiving sensory information from every fiber of your being simultaneously assulting your brain and demanding your immediate attention.  Bright lights are terrible, because they force you to take in every corner of the room with your ultra sensitive eyes.  And where little repetitive sounds are annoying to me on a good day, during a migraine, they are shout-at-inanimate-objects unbearable.  WOE be to the fool creature with a crinkling plastic bag that happens upon me when I'm having a migraine!  My main coping strategy for migraines, aside from taking meds, is focusing HARDCORE on a single train of thought.  This means, no joke, saying aloud whatever I am thinking.  This could look something like:
"I really ought to finish mom's scarf, because it was supposed to be finished by christmas I love christmas I'm so glad it isn't snowy anymore what should i wear tomorrow probably a tanktop I love tanktops I miss horse camp well not really I miss the horses This room is really dark but that's a good thing I wonder where Alien is with my medicine right about now."
Somewhere during this process I will have started shaking with pent up energy, so when Alien finds me I'll be lying in his bed looking all for the world like I'm having a seizure.  But then I take my meds, realize that I really had no pent up energy in the first place, and fall asleep where I'm standing.

The next day is usually an odd (probably hangover like) haze of slow thought processing and sluggish movement.

But not this time.

Today it was freaking BEAUTIFUL outside.

I don't know what the climate looks like where you're from, but where I live, it is unseasonaly balmy for February.  That means above 40.  In fact, the high today was (looks it up) 68.  Degrees.  Like, outside.

Nebraska, if this your way of making up for the disgustingly cold weather we had last week, then consider your apology ACCEPTED.

So I stepped out in my aforementioned tank top, ready to eat a live bear, solve racism, and go to my British literature class.  And you know what I saw on the way to class?


They must have missed the memo.  The earth is apologizing for the inclement weather of weeks previous, and they celebrate in the joy of 68 degrees of clear sunshine by wearing COATS.

If I was mother nature, I would have felt insulted.

The rest of my day consisted of attending classes with an unreasonably good attitude, reading more of Black Powder War by Naomi Novik, and searching the internet for something to hold my interest long enough to entertain my goldfish attention span.  So I wandered to my favorite flash game site, and clicked on the first thing I laid eyes on.  Which happened to be this:
Pictured: the crack cocaine of cute

In Sushi Cat 2, you are a small blue blob of neko, who wishes to be a large blue blob of neko.  To do this, you drop him with a pair of chopsticks into a gravity maze of adorable sushi.  It kept me entertained for almost an hour.

After which I had the unfortunate experience of finding this:
Pictured: an abusive relationship

If you've ever played TiTOL or TiTOLT, you'll understand the comparison.  It's frustrating, intriguing, clever, and ALWAYS obnoxious.
This kept my attention span for about another hour.

Now I know this is a terrible place to stop, but I was supposed to have Alien's oreo balls finished by Valentine's Day, and I kind of owe him for the awesome present he got me.  I'll talk about that later, but I'll say this much: it has to do with Minecraft.

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