Friday, February 18, 2011

Laptops are completely worthless without the internet

“Come to Friday Night Magic,” he said.  “Bring your laptop,” he said
So here I sit.  8:18 on a Friday night with nary a whiff of accessible internet.  I suppose that’s a lie: there IS a whiff.  When the correct stars align, there will temporarily be a guest network I can connect to, but the tease won’t let me stay on long enough to load a flash game.  The other five odd wifi connections, including gems of names such as NESPHTU, linksys, and greenBean, are all protected with a password stronger than “password”.

“You could play some Magic if you want!  We have a spare deck if you want to enter!”

“Here, play this game with me!  It’s just against our friends, so you’re awful play mistakes won’t matter here!”

These are the bids I’ve been offered for the evening.  I had a book for the first two hours, but the last fifty pages I was hoping to busy myself with were just a short epilogue and some weak advertising from the publisher.  I had the brief joy of my novel being recognized by a stranger, who professed to own the whole series.  This interaction was ended by a particularly weak high-five, and a call for the next round of Magic to start.

At first I wasn’t too worried about my book ending.  Right up until I remembered that I had taken the next 350 page novel out of my backpack.  Wanted to “lighten the load” as I went up and down the mountain Alien has chosen to live upon.  Because I apparently have the stamina of a mouse with leprosy.

So while I kick myself in the shins for lack of forethought, I thought I would write up a post.  Which is refusing to be saved due to a permission error.  PIKACHU, I SWEAR, IF YOU CAN’T DO SOMETHING SO SIMPLE AS-

Okay, it’s working now.  Sorry for threatening you.

Where was I?

Oh right, Hobbytown USA.  So I’m stuck here for the next hour and a half, with naught to do but write up a post for you all, weeping occasionally.

Just went outside with the guys on smoke break.  Someone suggested I hit up the Barnes and Noble for internet.  A tempting prospect, but I don’t really want to abandon Alien here, since he asked me to come with so we could spend time together (ironic, since he knows I can’t keep up with the speed these guys play at.  And since the original plan was me coming here and bumming around on the internet [a solitary occupation as a rule])

I walked over to Earrings and Italian playing with the wind-up toys.  I made a triceratops walk an inch or so and then they left.  Decided that playing with wind-up toys alone was lonelier than sitting in a corner typing presumably to myself.

There’s something to be said about the camaraderie to be found within a large group of nerds like this.  Men and boys (and a female?  Maybe two?) can come together and manage to not only have fun, but also be civil to one another.  This isn’t always a garuntee, especially if you have any experience of nerds through x-box live.

Earrings just brought over a trailer of the new x-men movie for Alien and I to watch.  I’m convinced the meaning behind this was to show off his internet connection skills.

I’m eagerly awaiting the US release of Pokémon Black and White.  Once I have my paws on the newest edition in my drug of choice I won’t have to be bothered with petty things like “being bored without internet”  Because I may not have a book on me, but I wouldn’t be caught dead without my ds.

Which reminds me… I wonder how my Pokéwalker is faring.  I sent it through the washing machine, again.  This time it wasn’t just a generic Growlithe that took a tumble; it was Kenya, my lead Arcanine.  I have her sitting in a Ziploc bag of rice in my room, but I think I may have done myself in this time.  I know I can recover her through other means, but that just feels like cheating.  Kenya was my responsibility, and I’ll be darned if I can’t resuscitate her through rice-y dehydration!

I’ve been religiously avoiding the new Pokédex.  The Pokémon franchise was hoping that the new 161 would be a “fresh start” for trainers, old or new.  Personally, I think this is FANTASTIC.  It’s a chance for me to enjoy something familiar, with an updated storyline, and a whole new host of characters.  I have not, however, been able to avoid seeing the new guys entirely.  I’ve seen the starters, the teeny gen-required normal-flier (check the generations, they ALL have a normal-flier), the B&W legends (I heard one of them is FIRE-DRAGON.  First thought: redundant?  Second thought: Why haven’t they had this before!), and of course Zoroark, aka Pokémon’s answer to the Lucario fan club.  I’ve also been exposed to the Lightening Unicorn, the Stag-of-Seasons, Gear-mon, and Ice cream Cone With a Face.  And Turtle Bro, but that’s only because I saw him in our Poke-DnD campaign.  Oh, and I know the ghostly candle guy too, also from the campaign.  And Sandile.  CRAP, I EVEN KNOW THAT ONE BY NAME!

Dang.  That’s like (counts) 28 out of 161.  Maybe this won’t be as new and fresh an adventure as I was hoping for.  But it HAS to have at least 8 gym puzzles to work through, and those are always my favorite anyway.

Current time: 9:24.  Time wasted to date: 66 minutes.

Current time: 9:33.  Fonts tampered with, grammar checked, sanity lost.  Going to venture to the bathroom in hopes of finding something more to life than whiney tweenagers and bleak white walls.

Current time: 9:40.  Plank with bathroom key was acquired.  Bathroom was stunningly clean, but even bleaker than the current room.  A conundrum was posed to me when I realized there was a locked-from the-inside stall door within the bathroom.  Crawled underneath to investigate.  Discovered cleaning items, toilet paper, and two wicker baskets.  No portals to Narnia discovered.  Relieved and defeated, I returned the bathroom plank to the manager.

Current time: 10:05.  All friends present and accounted for, leaving this place for good.

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