Friday, June 24, 2011

Self Declared Mandatory Update

I'm taking an English class (Writing and Communities) and a Philosophy class (Philosophy and Current Issues) at the moment.  And I decided to take up a hobby too (spinning).  And I'm reading through A Song of Fire and Ice.  Oh yeah, AND planning a wedding.

Pictured: My Summer

I don't recommend that.  EVER.  If you come to a fork in the road, choose one tine, or the other.  Don't smash them together into one bastardized eating utensil.  It makes for a very, very hectic summer.

Pic unrelated, but I ALWAYS wanted to see one of these

Philosophy has been incredibly underwhelming.  From 5:30 PM to 9:20 PM (yes, FOUR hours) every Tuesday and Thursday, you can find me sitting in a classroom, sandwiched between Alien and Captain Planet, wishing I was anywhere but there.  In class, we cover the readings we were supposed to read for homework.  The whole place is full of sheeple:  Going with the flow, and silent as the grave.  Until we talk about marijuana of course. 

 Everyone has an opinion about marijuana

Wedding planning has been a roller coaster of cake tasting, decision making, and budget breaking insanity.  Thank God for my mother.  She's become MORE invaluable (if such a thing is possible) by coming up with ideas, booking venues, and sharing inspiration, free time, and free SPACE (I certainly don't have room to grow fifty plants for centerpieces)  We've got just over a month now so things are speeding up, but the ride is a fun one to be certain.

Pictured: Mom's back deck

I don't know WHY I decided to take up spinning... A cunning saleslady at the Siouxland Renaissance Festival taught me how to spin wool into single-ply yarn.  Being a knitter, I was THRILLED to learn the new trade, and spent eleven dollars (of money I didn't truly have) on a spindle.  Knitting Mama gave me some spare combed top (wool prepared for spinning) for free, which didn't help curb the habit at all.

With this simple device, I shall turn fibers
everywhere into delicious bundles of knitted objects.

Antler (Earring's roommate) was getting all fired up about a certain HBO series that was based on a certain book series which he and his friends in western Nebraska seem to worship.  So I picked up the first book from the Library.  Truth be told, George R. R. Martin is a FANTASTIC writer, he just spices things up with a bit more sex than I care for in my reading.  That being said, he has a real knack for speaking as other characters, and drawing you into the world he created in his story.  So if you're 14 + and you can handle the occasional sex scene, I'd recommend it.

If everyone ELSE gets a picture I suppose Mr. Martin can too

Finally, we come to my English class.  Suffice to say, I can not believe how well the class, and our teacher EFR, has gelled in three weeks.  I'd say more, but I just poured my heart out into my contemplative response (we have ten journal pages due every Monday), so you'll get more on that later.

So go out, pick up a new hobby, read a book, or at VERY least, enjoy the weather =)

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