Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Final Countdown

I have no apologizes if I got that song stuck in your head.

I seem to have hit a lull here in the last days before my wedding.  It's like the calm before the storm no... the silence before the battle no, not that either.  My wedding shouldn't be stormy OR warlike.  But the waiting and quiet are still a tad eerie.

I must say, calm and quiet are NOT words most use to describe my parent's house.  Just last night it was filled with my whole immediate family (rare, even though there are five of us) my Uncle Cousin, RICHIE, and Code B were all over playing Tribond.  And while board games are fun, they also turn my whole family into Italians: loud, animated, and occasionally angry.  But for some reason, my family becomes crepuscular on Sundays, and everyone retreats for their afternoon nap.  Usually I'd be sleeping like they are, but I have ridiculous amounts of pent up energy from wedding planning and an uncustomary afternoon coffee.

Up until now, July has been a whirlwind of plants, ribbons, decisions, and tulle.  But now that the crafting is done (mostly) the dress is ready, and my make-up has been chosen, there seems to be an absence in my life.  And without Alien here to fill it, it's a little lonely around here.

Fun fact about weddings: even when you're the bride, other people keep existing.  Dad's birthday came and went in a quick detour for Indian food, and I probably wouldn't have remembered Older Brother's birthday if I didn't know we were going out for sushi tonight.  Neither of them has received a present from me which, however normal it is for a bride to loose focus on non-wedding events, makes me feel like a bad sister.

Very soon, I'm going to hit what Dr. M (my younger brother) calls the "theoretical zero point" when the honeymoon is over.  My life has been freakishly organized as of late, and I frankly have NO idea what happens on August 10th, other than Alien and I will be buying groceries.  This is likely to be an adventure, since up until now we have been surviving off of the college's food plan.  It's possible that our culinary monstrosities will make their way here, in text if not in photography.  And after that, I return to the dull and boring life of a college student.  Because, as we all know, college life is SO dull and boring =D